Custom Packaging - A Great Marketing Tool!

presentation packaging
There is a time and a place for using stock packaging. However, in today’s competitive market a custom package can be the way to set a product apart from the rest and make the sale. From printed plastic bags at the grocery store and custom printed boxes at boutiques to creatively-shaped labels on bottles, custom packaging is memorable and creative in addition to being practical and useful.

One of the big reasons to use custom packaging is that the packaging doubles as advertisement. A printed box does more for brand recognition than plain brown paper ever will. When a product’s packaging is customized, it allows customers to develop brand recognition based on packaging shape, the company logo and even the color scheme used on the label.
Custom packaging can also draw in new customers. Packaging is one of the first faces of the product that a customer sees, and you want that first impression to be memorable. Custom packaging gives you a wide variety of options for creative and eye-catching designs. Full color printing, glossy finishes and brilliant stocks are all available.
The right package can increase word-of-mouth promotion. Word of mouth is one of the most important ways to promote businesses. The right packaging lets you use that force for your benefit. When you make an impact with packaging, you create a strong image in the customer’s mind, and it can get people talking. New customers will ask about a product if they see something that impresses them, and it can make existing customers excited to talk about it.
The right packaging can set products apart from the many choices customers have. Make it more than just another product. A sleek black box can evoke a feeling of upscale quality before customers even open it. Colorful boxes can create an image of fun perfect for games, toys, and more. Food packaged in boxes with full-color photographs makes a promise to customers. The right packaging can highlight the quality, fun, or uses of a product and make sure customers know what sets it apart from the competition.
Perhaps the best reason to use custom packaging is that it is just that: custom. Packaging can be created to fit products’ size and style exactly. You can make cupcake-sized boxes in pastel shades, extra-large boxes with colorful designs for oversized children’s toys, triangular boxes for oddly-shaped products, or boxes with handles for added portability. Off-the-shelf packaging doesn’t give you that level of versatility and can be difficult to modify without expensive and complicated filler materials.
Inspired to help your customers create their own custom packaging? Take a look at the Presentation Packaging catalog to see our catalog options or give us a call so we can create something completely unique together.
What kind of custom packaging catches your eye when you are in a store?

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